Hannto User Experience Improvement Plan

Last updated:August 15, 2022

Dear Valued Hannto User,

Hannto Technology Co., Ltd. ("Hannto") has always striven to provide products which exceed our users' expectations. To help us better understand your needs, increase the quality of our products, and improve our products and services, Hannto hereby cordially invites you to participate in our User Experience Improvement Plan. Please take a moment to carefully read the following statement. By taking part in the Hannto User Experience Improvement Plan (the "Plan"), you acknowledge that you have carefully read and fully consent to the terms of the Plan (a minor should be accompanied by his/her legal guardian while reading the terms). Hannto wishes to remind you that this statement may be revised from time to time as our products continue to be developed. In the event of any changes to this statement, an announcement will be placed in a conspicuous area on the product page or a related page and clearly indicated to the user. If you do not agree to the content of the amended terms, you have the right to withdraw from the Plan at any time. If you do not withdraw from the Plan, it shall be deemed that you have accepted the changes to the Plan.

This Plan is an attachment to Hannto’s Liene Photo Privacy Policy, if there is any discrepancy between this Plan and Liene Photo Privacy Policy, Liene Photo Privacy Policy shall prevail.

Collection of information

By participating in the Plan, the user will only be sending the following data to Hannto:

(1) General information about your phone, including your phone's IMEI number (MEID), Android version, MIUI version, SDK version, and device information.

(2) Information about product usage. The purpose of gathering specific usage statistics for such functions allows us to more accurately evaluate the importance of each product function. In turn, this helps us adjust our priorities for research and development on product functions. For example, the following will be uploaded in the scenario of download management: the number of files downloaded by the user, the downloading speed, the number of times each function module is used, and the number of page clicks, and so on. This information will help us better improve our products.

We respect your privacy. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. (https://global-agreements.liene-life.com/s/h5/agreements/ht/liene/default-universal-us/PrivacyPolicy.html)

Use of Information

Hannto hereby promises that Hannto strictly complies with all relevant national laws and regulations. Hannto ensures that all collected data will be kept strictly confidential. Hannto only uses such data for the purpose of increasing product quality and improving products and services, and Hannto will never provide such data to any third-party company unrelated to the aforementioned purpose.

Participation in and Withdrawal from the Plan

Users may opt to switch on or off at their own discretion via their Liene Photo App’s Settings > Security and Privacy > User Experience Plan. By enabling it, the user chooses to opt in the Hannto User Experience Improvement Plan; by disabling it, the User chooses to opt out of the User Experience Improvement Plan.